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Hands sugaring in the beauty salon

The procedure takes about 10 minutes, there are no pronounced pain sensations.

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Advantages of hands sugaring:

  • After sugaring, the skin remains soft and smooth, which cannot be said about shaving or depilation creams.
  • The effect of the procedure persists for 3-4 weeks.
  • After sugaring, the hairs do not grow in, as sometimes happens after waxing.
  • You can do full hand, three-quarters or half hand sugaring.

Prices full arm sugaring

Arms to elbows 40AED
Arms completely 80AED

Is it worth doing hands sugaring?

Many ladies do not remove the hair on their hands, because they do not have thick and dark hair. If you have visible thick or dark hair on your hands, then there is a way out for you. The most effective way to remove hair on your hands is sugaring. Sugar paste has moisturizing and bactericidal properties, does not injure the skin, removes hairs along with the root.


Despite a number of advantages, there are also contraindications associated with skin diseases on the hands:

  • Chronic skin diseases;
  • Cuts and abrasions;
  • Large convex moles and warts.